Sports Massage is a powerful massage to bring the body back into balance. With slow, deep massage techniques with a lot of attention to the muscles, mechanical stimuli are exerted on the body.These mechanical stimuli in turn lead to reactions in the body. Sports massage improves blood circulation and thus the removal of waste products, pain stimuli and moisture, the supply of oxygen and nutrients.A sports massage therefore helps muscle recovery, preventing injuries and allowing the athlete to recover more quickly and actively participate in his/her sport again.
Why Sports Massage?
When the body is overloaded, different reactions occur. These reactions can be traced back to fatigue, muscle pain, poor circulation, increased tension, stiffness, cramps and fluid formation.A sports massage can then ensure that these reactions decrease or even disappear completely. It is very beneficial for your health to undergo this massage. When your muscles are tight, the blood circulation, oxygen and blood supply is locally reduced. A sports massage therefore stimulates blood circulation and thus the oxygen and blood supply.
Sports Massage only for athletes? Ofcourse not!
It is also recommended for non-athletes because it has a relaxing effect on the entire body. Non-athletes can have the same reactions as athletes. This can be due to, for example, long-term exposure to overload, incorrect work posture or stress. This way all stress and tension flows away from the body. A sports massage is therefore especially suitable for people with long-term accumulated tension in body and mind.